No Olympic bikinis? News scribe's latest jaw dropper cites Global Freezing

Detroit News editorial board member Henry Payne suggests this week that cool temperatures to start the London Olympics ("Global freezing" he calls it) will be a real downer for "media disciples of the Green Church" who "have been frightening Michigan and the U.S. with tales of global warming-induced drought."

The same writer invoked the visage of Nazis - those who tortured and massacred millions -- in his column about Germany's renewable energy program titled, "Sieg Heil, warmingmongers" last year. He warned darkly of coming "civil unrest" and "grim war" in the United States because of President Obama's "radical green vision."

He's also the genius who wrote that, because of snowfall in Dallas last year, "global warming" had been "debunked on the grandest stage of all: The Super Bowl."

Of course, 2011 turned out to be the ninth warmest year on record globally, and the 35th consecutive year that global average temperatures were above 20th century average. Nine of the 10 warmest years on record (dating back to 1880) have been since 2000.

What's more, a colder Europe in the short-term is consistent with climate models for reasons that have to do with altered ocean currents and melting Arctic sea ice.

But Payne and his colleagues in the News editorial tower have little use for sources like NASA or the World Meteorological Association. Instead, Yahoo! Sports is his source: "It might be too cold for the beach volleyball players to wear bikinis at the Olympics," he quotes Yahoo.

Detroit News readers deserve better.



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