Legislative Update: The Midterms - Capitol Connection webinar

Midterm season is fast approaching. In November we'll head to the ballot to vote for our state's executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The results could dramatically reshape each institution come 2023.

That means these remaining months of 2022 could very well be a time of intense legislative action. As lawmakers feel political winds change, they may seek to pass their landmark legislation and advance agendas with more tenacity.

This leaves us with many exciting opportunities to pass legislation a long time coming that make our nature and communities stronger. There are bills that will give every school and childcare center lead-free drinking water. Other bills would better keep over a million septic systems from spilling into our lakes and streams.
There are, of course, a few threatening bills in the works, too. One set could ramp up ethanol production, a move that would only create more pollution and higher gas prices. Another set might make it easier for mines to pollute.

Join the Michigan Environmental Council's water policy director Megan Tinsley, chief policy officer Charlotte Jameson, and President & CEO Conan Smith as they share the great opportunities and potential threats ahead for our state and planet in what will surely be a busy fall.


Can't make the event live? Register and we'll send you a recording.

The Capitol Connection webinar series is generously sponsored by: 

Steve & Judy Dobson

September 30, 2022 at 11:30am - 12pm
Beau Brockett ·

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  • Beau Brockett
    published this page in Events 2022-09-20 14:59:03 -0400