How safe is our drinking water? Do you know how to find out?

Learn more at summer town halls and coffees with the Michigan Environmental Council

Drinking water issues arising out of Flint and around the state have spurred MEC to develop a drinking water toolkit for residents and community decision-makers. The toolkit will help community members learn more about our drinking water systems–from source waters such as lakes, streams, and groundwater, to treatment and distribution systems, and finally into our homes, including affordability and shutoff policies.

We are visiting communities around the state this summer, holding town halls and coffees to listen to residents and share our draft toolkit, with a launch planned for September. The first town hall is:

Wednesday, August 2, 6 - 8 pm
27400 Southfield Road
City of Lathrup Village

We hope the toolkit will provide easy access to information that will inform residents and decision-makers of the risks, opportunities and sustainable funding options for drinking water. Our goal is to ensure all Michigan residents have access to affordable, safe, clean drinking water, as well as the knowledge to engage their decision-makers and drinking water providers in a meaningful dialog to help make better decisions when it comes to drinking water issues.

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